Wearing Gloves protect your from virus
Benjamin Cowling, epidemiologist at HKU, told Science magazine why wearing a mask would help protect health wearer from infection.
Benjamin Cowling, epidemiologist at HKU, told Science magazine why wearing a mask would help protect health wearer from infection.
Dipping work gloves are personal protective equipment worn during work projects that cover and protect the hands from the wrist to the fingers. Work gloves are meant to save the user’s hands and fingers from unnecessary wounds.
Work Gloves can be made of cloth, leather, wool, latex, rubber, nitrile rubber, vinyl, neoprene or metal. Gloves provide comfort and protect the hands against exposure to extreme temperatures and wounds due to cuts, friction, splinters, punctures, abrasions, harmful biological and chemical contacts or infectious diseases. Work gloves are used by many working professionals such as air crews, barbed wire handlers, butchers, divers, woodcutters, police officers, doctors, firemen, food, chemical and medicine handlers, gardeners, farmers, machine operators, military personnel, sportsman, welders, blacksmiths, etc.